Did you know that poor leadership is one of the top five reasons good employees leave?
If the leaders in your organization are in need of the tools necessary to motivate and coach your employees to success, we can develop a training program that fits your business. This can be achieved through one-on-one training or in a group setting.
Some turnover is normal and expected. However, if you're losing once engaged, productive employees with a strong performance history - something is wrong.
We can help by developing a Stay Interview program that is specific to your company and its needs. Finding out why people are staying and what would make them leave, is a great way to help facilitate positive change in the workplace.
Were your employees trained upon hire - more importantly, were they trained for success? Do they understand what is expected of them? Have they signed a job description that truly depicts the duties and responsibilities of the position?
If you answered no to any of those questions, you may be setting your employees up for failure, which in turn can have a negative impact on your business.
Dreamwork can help with developing job descriptions, training programs and performance plans for your employees.